Welcome to Clonekicks — your ultimate online destination for UA standard sneakers.
UA, or Unauthorized Authentic, refers to sneakers that are made with the same materials and in the same factories as the original brands, but sold at a fraction of the price. We are a leading online retailer, specializing in providing high-quality, affordable alternatives to some of the most coveted sneaker brands in the world such as Yeezy, NIKE, and Air Jordan.
Founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective, Clonekicks was established to break the barriers of high pricing in the sneaker industry, offering sneaker enthusiasts an opportunity to own their dream kicks without breaking the bank. Our mission is to democratize the sneaker industry, making it accessible to everyone, everywhere.
At Clonekicks, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the feeling of slipping on a pair of premium UA sneakers. We are committed to sourcing and providing the best UA standard sneakers in the market, ensuring every pair meets our rigorous quality standards. Our sneakers are meticulously crafted to mirror the original designs, offering the same look, feel, and comfort as the authentic pairs – but without the hefty price tag.
Our team is made up of passionate sneakerheads who understand the industry and the needs of our customers. We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and a seamless shopping experience. Our team is not only knowledgeable about the products we sell but are also avid sneaker enthusiasts themselves. This passion drives us to ensure we only stock the best UA standard sneakers, which are indistinguishable from their authentic counterparts.
We are constantly updating our inventory with the latest styles and trends, ensuring that our customers are always one step ahead in the fashion game. Whether you’re on the hunt for the latest Yeezy release, a classic Air Jordan model, or a timeless NIKE design, Clonekicks has you covered.
At Clonekicks, we understand the importance of trust in the digital shopping sphere. That’s why we strive for transparency and honesty in all our transactions. We offer secure payment options, fast and reliable shipping, and a customer-friendly return policy.